There is no EventLog source named ‘ASP.NET x.x.x.’. This module requires .NET Framework x.x

There is no EventLog source named ‘ASP.NET x.x.x.’. This module requires .NET Framework x.x

The above error is thrown because we are trying to log the ASP.Net errors (in most cases, unhandled errors) in to EventLog of the O/S using “WebMonitor.UnhandledExceptionModule” but the required EventLog source is missing. Therefore the fix for this would be to create the missing EventLog source. But where? Below I explain where and how to create the missing EventLog source in the server that you have hosted your site.


The missing EventLog source should be created in the O/S registry at the following location;



  1. Open the O/S registry by executing the “regedit” command in the “Run”
  2. Browse to the above location in the O/S registry, if there’s already an EventLog source which is pointing to the same .Net Framework as the one your application is running on, then export that key as shown in the screenshot below;


  1. Then open the exported *.reg file and change the Key name to the missing EventLog source shown in the error message as shown in the screenshot below and save the file;


  1. Go back to O/S registry again and import the edited *.reg file;


That’s it, this should fix the issue for you!! If not pls let me know

MS SQL Server Stored Procedure Search

Hi All,

Recently I had to write the following script on MS SQL Server to create a proc that would search through all the procedures in the database for a given search phrase. Guess it would be helpful for someone else as well.

create proc adm_SearchProcs
@searchText varchar(max)
select ‘exec sp_helptext ‘ +””+ specific_schema +’.’ + routine_name +””
from information_schema.routines
where routine_definition like ‘%’+@searchText+’%’
order by 1

Happy Coding!!
